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(02) 4283 1657


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38 Albert Street, Corrimal, NSW 2518

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Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental Policy

Our Occupational Health & Safety Policy is based on a belief that the well-being of people employed at work, or people effected by our work, is a major priority & must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.

People are our most important asset & their health & safety is our greatest responsibility. The public shall be given equal priority to that of our employees.

The Company Policy is

  • To achieve an injury free workplace environment for all our employees, clients, other site personnel & the public.
  • To make health & safety an integral part of every managerial & supervisory position.
  • Use professional advice where necessary to ensure that our company satisfies the legal requirements of the Health and Safety and Environmental   Protection Acts and other legislation or legal requirements covering the projects we work on.
  • To ensure that our employees continually improve the Occupational Health Safety & Environmental system in their normal day to day duties.
  • Maintain a level of customer focus with the public that the clients and authorities would be expected to provide themselves.
  • We aim to deliver our projects in a safe manner, on time and on budget while satisfying the client?s expectations.
  • Work with all our clients in an ethical and legal manner with written contract agreements.
  • Using toolbox meetings to help prevent hazards & injuries to all employees and the client with the aim of working safely and without damage to the environment on all projects.

Provide evidence when requested, that all works have been constructed in accordance with the contract specified requirements.

Our objectives are to:

  • Have zero workplace notifiable incidents and minimal lost time injuries than is annually targeted by the company through ongoing consultation on OH&S matters
  • Provide continuous program of education & learning to ensure our employees work in the safest possible manner.
  • Ensure health & safety is considered in all planning & work activities.
  • Involve our employee?s in the decision making process through regular communication, consultation & training.
  • Maintaining our status with the clients we work with, by providing a level of quality in our work, which is no less than that specified within the contract, and aims to meet the client?s expectations.
  • Identify & control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification & risk analysis.
  • Ensure all potential accidents/incidents are controlled & prevented.
  • Provide effect injury management & rehabilitation for all employees.
  • Ensure our suppliers and subcontractors operate with the same objectives in mind.
  • Have zero reportable environmental breaches and not to increase any form of pollution in the vicinity of the project.
  • Work with the client to improve where possible the environmental integrity of the area we are working in.
  • Maintain or target an increase in profit each year by reducing rework and minimising waste in all processes.
  • Keep up with technology, plant and equipment changes.


Strive for continued improvement of service delivery through reviews and measurement of defect notices

We can achieve this by having a suitably trained, competent and committed workforce who know and understand the company objectives and operations of our Management System. We use Defect, Suggestion, and Complaint Report forms to investigate and recommend business improvements.

We use a prepared management review agenda to set targets and review our objectives at regular intervals determined by the manager.

The success of our health & safety management is dependent on:

  1.  Pro-active planning of all activities with due consideration given to implementing OH&S controls.
  2. Understanding the total work process & associated OH&S risks.
  3. Ensuring the work team is totally committed to achieving our objectives.
  4. Ensuring that open & honest communication exists between management & all employees.